As you may have noticed, as of today my blog has a (slightly) new name. When I googled it I found out that someone else had a blog with the same title (My Life in Knots) as mine and (gulp) she had it first!  Now any truly smart person would have checked this out before naming their blog but I didn’t – so henceforth my blog will be “This” not “My” Life in Knots. No big whoop… Waxed Linen Hair Ornament by Joan Babcock But since I’m here I thought I’d share something I did recently that doesn’t have anything to do with knots butRead More →

Sundial Earrings New Book Coming Soon (I hope!) Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted! So for those who may have wondered – here’s what I’ve been up to. Last year was busy, busy, busy with more teaching than I’ve ever done. On the whole it was a good experience and I have no complaints about the students I met, who were a real joy to hang out with. But (isn’t there always a “but”?) frankly I got really physically burned out with the traveling part and yearned to spend more time at home. So that’s what I’ve been up to – hangingRead More →